First Operative Stage

(operative stage of the World Government)

01. The first operative stage of World Government under the World Constitution shall be implemented when the World Constitution is ratified by a sufficient number of nations and/or people to meet one or the other of the following conditions or equivalent:

02. The election of Members of the World Parliament to the House of Peoples shall be conducted in all World Electoral and Administrative Districts (WEADs) where ratification has been accomplished by popular referendum.

03. The Election of Members of the World Parliament to the House of Peoples may proceed concurrently with direct popular referendums both prior to and after the First Operative Stage of World Government is reached.

04. The appointment or election of Members of the World Parliament to the House of Nations shall proceed in all nations where preliminary ratification has been accomplished.

05. One-fourth of the Members of the World Parliament to the House of Counsellors may be elected from nominees submitted by universities and colleges which have ratified the World Constitution.

06. The World Presidium and the Executive Cabinet shall be elected according to the provisions in Article 6, except that in the absence of a House of Counsellors, the nominations shall be made by the members of the House of Peoples and of the House of Nations in joint session. Until this is accomplished, the Presidium and Executive Cabinet of the Provisional World Government as provided in Article 19, shall continue to serve.

07. When composed, the Presidium for the first operative stage of World Government shall assign or re-assign Ministerial posts among Cabinet and Presidium members, and shall immediately establish or confirm a World Disarmament Agency and a World Economic and Development Organization.

08. Those nations which ratify this World Constitution and thereby join the Federation of Earth, shall immediately transfer all weapons of mass destruction as defined and designated by the World Disarmament Agency to that Agency. (See Article 19, Sections, 19.2.06 and 19.5.5). The World Disarmament Agency shall immediately immobilize all such weapons and shall proceed with dispatch to dismantle, convert to peacetime use, re-cycle the materials thereof or otherwise destroy all such weapons. During the first operative stage of World Government, the ratifying nations may retain armed forces equipped with weapons other than weapons of mass destruction as defined and designated by the World Disarmament Agency.

09. Concurrently with the reduction or elimination of such weapons of mass destruction and other military expenditures as can be accomplished during the first operative stage of World Government, the member nations of the Federation of Earth shall pay annually to the Treasury of the World Government amounts equal to onehalf the amounts saved from their respective national military budgets during the last year before joining the Federation, and shall continue such payments until the full operative stage of World Government is reached. The World Government shall use fifty percent of the funds thus received to finance the work and projects of the World Economic Development Organization.

10. The World Parliament and the World Executive shall continue to develop the organs, departments, agencies and activities originated under the Provisional World Government, with such amendments as deemed necessary; and shall proceed to establish and beg in the following organs, departments and agencies of the World Government, if not already underway, together with such other departments, and agencies as are considered desirable and feasible during the first operative stage of World Government:

  • 10.01. The World Supreme Court;
  • 10.02. The Enforcement System;
  • 10.03. The World Ombudsmus;
  • 10.04. The World Civil Service Administration;
  • 10.05. The World Financial Administration;
  • 10.06. The Agency for Research and Planning;
  • 10.07. The Agency for Technological and Environmental Assessment;
  • 10.08. An Emergency Earth Rescue Administration, concerned with all aspects of climate change and related factors;
  • 10.09. An Integrated Global Energy System, based on environmentally safe sources;
  • 10.10. A World University System, under the Department of Education;
  • 10.11. A World Corporations Office, under the Department of Commerce and Industry;
  • 10.12. The World Service Corps;
  • 10.13. A World Oceans and Seabeds Administration.

11. At the beginning of the first operative stage, the Presidium in consultation with the Executive Cabinet shall formulate and put forward a proposed program for solving the most urgent world problems currently confronting humanity.

12. The World Parliament shall proceed to work upon solutions to world problems. The World Parliament and the World Executive working together shall institute through the several organs, departments and agencies of the World Government whatever means shall seem appropriate and feasible to accomplish the implementation and enforcement of world legislation, world law and the World Constitution; and in particular shall take certain decisive actions for the welfare of all people on Earth, applicable throughout the world, including but not limited to the following:

  • 12.01. Expedite the organization and work of an Emergency Earth Rescue Administration, concerned with all aspects of climate change and climate crises;
  • 12.02. Expedite the new finance, credit and monetary system, to serve human needs;
  • 12.03. Expedite an integrated global energy system, utilizing solar energy, hydrogen energy, and other safe and sustainable sources of energy;
  • 12.04. Push forward a global program for agricultural production to achieve maximum sustained yield under conditions which are ecologically sound;
  • 12.05. Establish conditions for free trade within the Federation of Earth;
  • 12.06. Call for and find ways to implement a moratorium on nuclear energy projects until all problems are solved concerning safety, disposal of toxic wastes and the dangers of use or diversion of materials for the production of nuclear weapons;
  • 12.07. Outlaw and find ways to completely terminate the production of nuclear weapons and all weapons of mass destruction;
  • 12.08. Push forward programs to assure adequate and non-polluted water supplies and clean air supplies for everybody on Earth;
  • 12.09. Push forward a global program to conserve and re-cycle the resources of Earth.
  • 12.10. Develop an acceptable program to bring population growth under control, especially by raising standards of living.
– Section 17.3 of Article 17 of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (CFoE)

Page Last Updated: 2025-02-06