Exterior Relations

(exterior relations of the World Government)

01. The World Government shall maintain exterior relations with those nations of Earth which have not joined the Federation of Earth. Exterior relations shall be under the administration of the Presidium, subject at all times to specific instructions and approval by the World Parliament.

02. All treaties and agreements with nations remaining outside the Federation of Earth shall be negotiated by the Presidium and must be ratified by a simple majority vote of the three Houses of the World Parliament.

03. The World Government for the Federation of Earth shall establish and maintain peaceful relations with other planets and celestial bodies where and when it may become possible to establish communications with the possible inhabitants thereof.

04. All explorations into outer space, both within and beyond the solar system in which Planet Earth is located, shall be under the exclusive direction and control of the World Government, and shall be conducted in such manner as shall be determined by the World Parliament.

– Section 16.2 of Article 16 of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (CFoE)

List of Nations in Exterior Relations with the World Government:

# Name Country Notes

List of other planetary inhabitants in Exterior Relations with the World Government:

# Name Governing Body Representative on Earth Embassy on Earth Policy towards Earth Relations with World Government Notes
01. Plejaren Plejaren Federation 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier Semjase Silver Star Centre Friendly Preliminary Engagement -
02. - - - - - - -

Responsible Government bodies:

Ministry of Exterior Relations,
World Administration, World Government.

The Presidium,
World Executive, World Government.

World Parliament,
World Government.

Page Last Updated: 2025-02-08